Shades of Silver Duo @ The Stables

The Stables

Coleen and Scot serve up the tunes. Food and beverages for sale there. Beautiful outside area to hear us in. 

Bistro on Bridge-Duo

Bistro on Bridge 212 Bridge St., Phoenixville, Pa, US

Coleen and Scot upstairs in the Analog Room


Inn at Mendenhall ChaddsFord, PA, US

Shades of Silver Duo @ The Stables

The Stables

Jordan and Scot back for more audible merriment. Food and beverages available for purchase there. Great outside vibe.

Fundraiser Event @ The Stables

The Stables

Not private, but is hosted by an organization and they will be taking donations.  Outdoor. Scot, Jordan and Eric 1st hr. acoustic WONDERLAND kicks it the rest of the time. […]